NSF (Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis) vs. CIN (Contrast-induced Nephropathy): weighing risks and benefits - Contrast Media - Contrast Agents - Gadolinium - Iodine - Iodinated Contrast - Update
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New app NSF vs. CIN: weighing risks and benefits. It´s a user-friendly app designed by academic radiologists to help you choose the safest contrast agent (iodine or gadolinium) when imaging patients with renal impairment. This app provides a simple and practical approach to minimize the risk of developing NSF and CIN.Your comments and suggestions are very welcome. We hope you enjoy and feel free to share this app.
Imaging patients with renal impairment
Chronic Kidney Disease: MRI or CT?
Gadolinium-based or iodinated contrast agents: how to make the right choice?
Want to learn more about our app? Check this out!
***AuntMinnie AWARD ***
Semifinalist Best Radiology Mobile App 2016 Minnie
Award by AuntMinnie.com
We are reviewed in the October 2016 issue of the Journal
of Digital Imaging (Impact Factor: 1.406). The Journal of Digital Imaging (JDI)
is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Society for Imaging Informatics in
Medicine (SIIM).Read the full review here:
NSF vs. CIN: weighing risks and benefits (English Version)

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About the authors:
Sandro Fenelon, MD
Attending Radiologist, Abdominal Imaging Division
Sao Paulo State Cancer Institute (ICESP), University
of Sao Paulo, School of Medicine, Department of Radiology and Oncology, BrazilAttending Radiologist, Abdominal Imaging Division
Frederico F. de Souza, MD
Director, Body Imaging Division
Assistant Professor of Radiology
University of Mississippi Medical Center, UMMC, USA
The U.S. FDA´s Regulation and Oversight of Mobile Medical Applications
* This app is NOT considered to be a medical device and FDA´s regulation is NOT applicable.
Can this app be used in the USA ? Yes.
Appendix A Examples of mobile apps that are NOT medical devices
This Appendix provides a representative list of mobile app functionalities to illustrate the types of mobile apps that could be used in a healthcare environment, in clinical care or patient management, but are not considered medical devices. Because these mobile apps are not considered medical devices, FDA does not regulate them.
2. Mobile apps that are intended for health care providers to use as educational tools for medical training or to reinforce training previously received. These may have more functionality than providing an electronic copy of text (e.g., videos, interactive diagrams), but are not devices because they are intended generally for user education and are not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease by facilitating a health professional’s assessment of a specific patient, replacing the judgment of clinical personnel, or performing any clinical assessment.
Examples of MMAs That Are NOT Medical Devices
Mobile Medical Apps
radiology,contrast agents, contrast media, gadolinium, iodine, iodinated contrast, dye, risk calculator, risk stratification, estimated risk, minimizing the risk, iodine-based contrast media, gadolinium-based contrast agents, best choice, CT or MRI, CIN, contrast-induced nephropathy, NSF, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy, computed tomography, CT, magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, imaging, renal impairment, calculator, GFR calculator, glomerular filtration rate, GFR, eGFR, chronic kidney disease, reduced renal function, acute renal failure, renal disease, renal dysfunction, renal failure, renal insufficiency, impaired renal function, CKD, CKD-EPI Equation, MDRD Equation, Modification of Diet in Renal Disease, acute kidney injury, AKI, endstage renal disease, Sandro Fenelon, guidelines, ESUR, European society of urogenital radiology, Visipaque, creatinine clearance, CrCl, contrast nephropathy, contrast-induced acute kidney injury, diagnostic imaging, guidelines, iso-osmolar contrast media, low-osmolar contrast media, NAC, N-acetylcysteine, NEPHRIC, nephrotoxicity, radiocontrast, radiocontrast-induced nephropathy, contrast media safety, stability.
radiology,contrast agents, contrast media, gadolinium, iodine, iodinated contrast, dye, risk calculator, risk stratification, estimated risk, minimizing the risk, iodine-based contrast media, gadolinium-based contrast agents, best choice, CT or MRI, CIN, contrast-induced nephropathy, NSF, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy, computed tomography, CT, magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, imaging, renal impairment, calculator, GFR calculator, glomerular filtration rate, GFR, eGFR, chronic kidney disease, reduced renal function, acute renal failure, renal disease, renal dysfunction, renal failure, renal insufficiency, impaired renal function, CKD, CKD-EPI Equation, MDRD Equation, Modification of Diet in Renal Disease, acute kidney injury, AKI, endstage renal disease, Sandro Fenelon, guidelines, ESUR, European society of urogenital radiology, Visipaque, creatinine clearance, CrCl, contrast nephropathy, contrast-induced acute kidney injury, diagnostic imaging, guidelines, iso-osmolar contrast media, low-osmolar contrast media, NAC, N-acetylcysteine, NEPHRIC, nephrotoxicity, radiocontrast, radiocontrast-induced nephropathy, contrast media safety, stability.